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By: rapunzel | Posted: Dec 22, 2008 | General | 451 Views

Well,here I am at work.The guy I wrote about is sitting right across my cubicle and today I came armed with ideas.Yeah,over the weekend I felt being diplomatic and telling him what he is fit for by examples would be a good defense.

I tend to become a bit humorous when I am worked up so I was just wondering which film character or social person is a good critic and which one is a negative critic.

The first critic I could think of was Buddhadeb(the character Amitabh played in Cheenikum)(have no plans to become tabu but I must confess he was quite a hot critic!!Melting moments I guess

hmm who else is there.. lemme test my memory..

Ahh that reminds me of film critic .Tarun Adarsh .. He makes money out of it so would be professional in his approach.

My Dad (how could I forget him) change the topic

Now my coffee is over and I need to get back to work.

Would love to know your feelings,your fav critics and the not so fav ones..



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