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By: gauravjain123 | Posted: Apr 13, 2012 | General | 425 Views

I am truly disappointed in the management and health care provided at Fortis Shalimar Bagh. My mother was admitted there for heart failure two times in row. At first, their cardiology team failed to make a simple diagnosis of coronary artery disease. During her second admission after twisting there arms they finally did an angiogram which ofcourse revealed a diffuse 4 vessel disease. I am a critical care nephrologist from USA and I have never seen such poor care and total disregard for a patient. Here are the points as I will lay them down. It is up to you to make the best decision regarding your loved one:1) After the cardiology team did an angiogram which mind you they should have done in the previous admission, they told me "nothing can be done". The head cardiologist did not even had the decency to spare 2 minutes to discuss the results of my mother's angiogram with me. During my 1-2 minute interaction his cell phone rang 6 times to discuss the color of his new car. Then he just walked away. His junior partner was actually helpful and did listen to what I had to say. After I reported to the staff that my mother, their patient, is still massively volume overloaded, the cardiologist listened to my mother's lung that told the nurse in passing to increase the Lasix (a diuretic) to twice daily. Ofcourse, the nurse did not follow his order and on my questioning told me that "she was the boss in there and she will get me kicked out of the ICU if I question her". Oh My GOD!!!!!2. The senior Cardiologist did mention one procedure to optimize my 65 y/o mother before any bypass surgery can be planned. He told me that by placing balloons in her stomach, she can loose 20 kg in 2-3 months and perhaps then they can operate on her. This is the most absurd and ridilculous thing I have ever heard in my life. I think this cardiologist is a crackpot and should have credentials revoked. 2. Lets forget about the physicians being bunch of idiots, lets talk about the ancillary staff. You think there doctors have GOD COMPLEX, think again. From the security staff to nurses, I think this was a big scam. Now you may think I am upset because my mother got mistreated. True and untrue. The nurses here are reapers. They got upset at me because I questioned there mistreatment of my mother. And that was the tipping point. These nurses started to abuse my mother in front of me. They will leave her on the commode and will not come back. This particular nurse Ancy Verghis was exceptionally bad. 3. Lets talk about night coverage. They have 2 physicians that I think rotate every other day. THESE GUYS DON'T KNOW ANYTHING. A 30 y/o patient died on there watch. Beware. I took upon myself to teach this one physician how to read a CT scan and Chest xray. OMG!!! This was the only way I was able to look at my mother's imaging studies. Thank GOD I know a thing or two about medicine. I think even a first year medical college student knows more. These guys knew nothing. And yes they showed up to work in rubber ki chappal. 4. MEDANTA MEDICITY A GOD SEND. My sister happened to knew a Cardiac surgeon at this new hospital in Gurgoan. Before making possible funeral arrangements for my mother as suggested by these doctors, we decided to have a second opinion. I presented my mothers case to these doctors managed under some surgeon Dr.Trehan ( I am being fictious). After hearing my case, this team reorted "Lets get her better". Next day my mother was being moved to the Heart Command Center at Medanta. Oh by the way, right before she was being transferred, the administration and this Billing specialist said"Take off her GOWN as it belongs to Fortis". I was shocked and I lost it. I offered my mother my shirt as they demanded her gown, the only thing holding her from being embarrased before 7 men. Then, this billing specialist offered a new deal. "You can buy this gown from us". And I did. Don't know what my broken down father paid for this but I am sure it added few extra hundred rupees to a medical bill in excess of 70-80 thousand rupees. On departure, I told their billing specialist of the terrible experience as tears filled my eyes. There night call physician standing comfortably in his rubber chapals responded "calm down buddy" . Kabhi Kabhi aisa hota hain. My incompetent doctor" I am not your buddy and aisa nahi hota hain". Oh one last thing. My mother had an uneventful 4 vessel bypass surgery at Medanta Medicity. She did not require any balloons in her stomach and they also did not demand to her leave their institution naked.

So here is my true experience at this hospital. I think you can make learn something from it.

Thank you.Gaurav JainNephrologist USA.

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