So Guys as I told you mouthshut doesn't have any section for reviewing games so I tend to write blogs about gaming/videogames. So today I have made the top five FPS games of 2016(free and paid), if you agree with the list please leave a like on the blog it would mean the world to me to get gaming as a section on mouthshut
So starting at
1) Overwatch
2)Counter strike global offensive
3)Call of Duty Modern Warfare remastered
4)Call of Duty Black Ops 3
5)Dirty Bomb
The game Dirty Bomb is a free to play game on steam and runs quite nicely on low end computers same goes for cs go. But for call of duty and overwatch a minimum graphic capacity of 2 gb is required(if you use nvidia then gtx 520 is quite enough)
I would really recommend dirty bomb if you want a game which is like overwatch but free to play.
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#gaming, #consoles, #computers, #laptop, #ps4, #xboxone, #mobile, phones