All of us were concerned about the vulgar DP’s invading into a nice site like MS, and were pained by the indifference and slow reaction from MS management. If the MS management lacks the technical expertise to tackle the menace, the obvious and simple solution is to send one or two of the technical guys to some software training program and get the deadly expertise. Our other topics of discussion included the exodus of members from MS to FB, lack of transparency in awarding the FP status to posts, and methods of commenting by esteemed members.
A very serious point of concern discussed was that any undesirable member could choose anyone (say a lady) in their TC. Even if that lady puts the fellow in her distrust list, her profile and status is visible to the fellow! This in INVASION OF PRIVACY. There should be a simple mechanism, like in other sites like Linkedin, FB etc, of the permission being sought and given to be included in TC. Thus we can decide whether we want to be on that person’s TC.
I was looking at my TC yesterday and found that I am included in TC of a new person. I checked the person’s profile. Surprise!!! The profile was created on 28 May and he has already added 199 members on his TC ! No photograph or details of person were furnished except for a name and place. Neither any DP’s nor any reviews published. This looked perfect recipe for a fake id! And there were 5 members who had trusted the guy! Friends !!! please do check whom you include in your TC…Just do not reciprocate the gesture. Don’t fall for the trap “ You scratched my back, now it is my turn”
Khalidbhai is already organizing some meet in GOA ! Khalid, Suraj and Shalu were getting umpteen calls and SMS from friends enquiring about how the meet is going on ! Some of the friends could not make it while some chose not o ! Those who attended were right and so were those who did not ! Yes ! I am not surprised at all ! It is a personal decision. And I respect personal decisions. Ajay and Rashpal have invited the members to Amritsar for the next meet! Amritsar is one of the lovely places I am yearning to visit. The burdens of a professional life has its limitations and one of those is that you don’t OWN most of your time. Maybe my wish would soon be a reality ! Now I have one more reason to visit the place “ My friends are there”.
Time flew by and it was time to wind up. Ajay and Rashpal had to catch their train, and they were the first to leave with Khalidbhai. Khalidbhai drove them in his car to the railway station. Shubro, Pooja, Sana, Shalu, Suraj and me chitchatted for some more time before calling it a day.
Aaditya and me reached home in 35 minutes flat! We got a clear road all the way. Our driver said that normally n the evenings there is atleast half an hour of traffic jams on that road in the evening hours on a Sunday. Maybe the universe conspires to pave golden path for all friends. What other explanation could be there !