when orange turns to lemon......
cant help but think of you and as I go to work right now I think of you....
its queuing and still... I think of you....
I'm afraid of what this feeling might turn out to be....
I'm afraid to have you yet to loose you..
your nearness and your sweet and gentle way of caring ...
seems so difficult to loose as well...
to be with you means to fight a thousand battles
and to loose you still will be another battle....
whichever way I go whatever path I choose will always contradict
what my heart and mind will say
to love you means I have to give up what I believe
but to ignore you means to forget that my heart exist
and forget how to feel
to exist without your love is to become a living zombie
but to live and bask in your love might mean to end what I've decided in life.
can somebody just give a simple solution to this?
answer that will give you both worlds??
cant you be right and still be happy or happy and still be right?
why does loving often hurts more than it cheers your heart?
is misery really a part of loving??
should you really be miserable when you think you found true? love?
where then is happiness, if not in love?
what then is the sense of living if you can not love all you want... whom you want??
where is freedom if your bound to social norms??
is it really true?? does society really dictate man?
can we not live the way we like and not give a damn about what other people might think or say?
is it really the norms that should be followed
or can we just follow the dictate of our hearts???
why cant we find simple answers to this simple questions??
why does the result seem to be a continuous and endless complexity??
if life is to be lived differently from how we feel that it should be lived
then is it really worth living this life?
or would it be better that we just let life pass us by without struggle ..without a fight
because in the end who is left to be followed but society just the same....
how sad that in the end when we really think of following what society dictates we just end up feeling unfulfilled and miserable just the same.....
so what really is the answer to the question???
i guess its already within the question it self....
if you do something and it makes you feel miserable then perhaps its not the answer try another....
it doesnt matter how many people agrees with you ...
it doesnt matter if they all disagree with you....
in your lifetime there's only one person who should concern you
and who should bother your conscience if ever things went wrong....
that person whom you will always be accounted for is no less than yourself.....
so if in doubt of the things you do in life....
of what you finally decide in life..
i guess the best person to ask first is yourself....
will you be happy???
will you live through whatever your decision and still come out a winner?? happy?? contented???
if you can answer these questions with resounding YES!!!
then there's no doubt... you are in the right track!!!