Q1. Which of the following is a source of Data?
1 Annual Reports
2 Public Documents
3 Filed Source
4 All of these
Q2. Which of the following is elements of Formulation of Research Problems -
1 Research consumer
2 Research consumer's objectives
3 Alternative means of meet the objectives
4 All of these
Q3. What is correct about the sample?
1 A sample as the name implies, is a smaller represantration of a larger whole
2 Sampling is the selection of certain percentage of a group of items according to a pre-determined plan
3 A statistical sample is a cross section of the entire group
4 All of these
Q4. Observation is based on -
1 Human Senses
2 Purposive
3 Deliberate
4 All of these
Q5. Which is the basic assumption of case study?
1 Underlying Unity of Human Behaviours
2 Observation
3 Data
4 Necessity
Q6. VAT is -
1 Value Added Tax
2 Value Added Temple
3 Value Assets Total
4 None of these
Q7. EURO is a -
1 Currency
2 City
3 Group
4 River
Q8. Which company is the world's biggest automaker?
1 Toyota
2 Gereral Motors
3 Ford
4 Suzuki
Q9. Which is India's largest Private Sector Bank?
Q10. Which of the following yields the largest revenue in the Central Budget?
1 Excise Duty
2 Sales Tax
3 Income Tax
4 None of these
Q11. Sigma is a term of -
1 Accounting
2 Maths
3 Science
4 Arts
Q12. 'Town' is related to village in the same way as Urban is related to -
1 Rural
2 Semi-Urban
3 Metropolis
4 City
Q13. The Liberhan Commission was set up to give its report on which of the following issues?
1 Demolition of Babri Masjid in Ayodhya
2 Godhra Rail Kand
3 Bomb Blasts in Mumbai in 1993
4 Bofors Gun Deal
Q14. Who amongst the following has alunched a new venture named 'blogeverywhere.com'?
1 Bill Gates
2 Narayan Murthy
3 Azim Premji
4 Sabeer Bhatia
Q15. Which of the following states has become the first in India where HIV/AIDS Testing is mandatory before marriatge?
1 Maharashtra
2 Delhi
3 West Bengal
4 Goa
Q16. Mr. N. Gopalaswami is the new -
1 Cabinet Secretary, Government of India
2 Foreign Secretary, Governmnet of India
3 Chief Election Commissioner
4 Attorney General of India
Q17. Mr. Matti Vanhanen whose name waw in the news recently is the -
1 President of Estonia
2 Prime Minister of Estonia
3 President of Finaland
4 Prime Minister of Finland
Q18. The Union Minister of Commerce and Industry in his announcement of Foreign Trade Policy for 2006-07 set a target to
take the foreign trade to the level of US $ -
1 100 billion
2 120 billion
3 500 million
4 1000 million
Q19. Which of th following jails where hundredws of freedom fighters spent their time, recently completed its 100 years?
1 Naini Jail
2 Tihar Jail
3 Alipore Jail
4 Cellular jail
Q20. The Government of India is planning to open Rail Link between Sealdah to Devpura. Devpura is locatd in -
1 Nepal
2 Bangladesh
3 Bhutan
4 Pakistan
Tags :
general, Knowledge, question, ansers