Most of the population from around the world presently gaining spiritual consciousness. In this kalyuga the present running time is showing many changes. The urge to get back to SUPER HOME is more then ever, no matter we are Hindu, Christian, Jainism or belong to any religion, urge to merge with the source of pure love and light is calling from inside.
This is where the inner journey starts, when we are having enough with the outer world and understand that material things can not full fill our greed for what we are here. The actual journey starts within, when the outer world vanishes from inside. A huge space being created inside and the mud get settled slowly with our regular and conscious efforts.
Finally a day comes when our consciousness get connect to super power and we get full of peace and love inside which ever remain same and other things hardly matters to the body, soul gets to know the truth which is not related to body. Body will go some day but soul remains the same, The ever lasting Bundle of consciousness get fixed and remain there forever.
The ultimate destination of our journey is to reach there and get Enlightened.
Wake up and start growing. Life's has been spent gaining wisdom.
Now is the time to start and reach where you belong to.