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By: DESPRADO | Posted: Jul 17, 2010 | Girl From the Hoarding | 680 Views


Continued from Chapter 10(D) :

I’ll do everything to have you in my life”, he said, then, clearly and confidently and she liked it even more, so she smiled at his love for her.

I guess, I am falling in love with you.. I always was, but its different now.”

I know that..” she said softly in a very comforting tone.

What about you? Are you in…”

Don’t ask silly things. I have always been in love with you. I am a part of you, I cannot hate my creator my dreamer. Nevertheless..I don’t have any options too” and she laughed and laughed, while he kept looking at her face, so beautiful and so heavenly. Hating her, for whatever the reason may be, was something he was not capable of.

Now that you have finished all your questions, any way I am not going to answer, even if you have any. Good that It’s still raining outside. Now is the time for a song. “Her happiness was showing in her eyes.

Which one you want this time?”, he said in a very nonchalant tone. He was now taking it all so normally and casually, like it had been happening to him forever. Like watching you dream right before your eyes was nothing more than watching himself in the mirror.

Since it’s raining, sing, RAIN DROPS KEEP FALLING ON MY HEAD.” With that she went outside the hut, with rain falling all around her, she was looking even more beautiful, drenched in the rain water, with drops falling from her curly hair, now wet and wedged around her face. She begun to dance randomly with no particular pattern, but it showed her immense joy.

He smiled at her choice of song, it’s his favorite too. He begun to sing at once, for her, a bit aloud so that she can hear even while dancing in the rain.

Rain drops keep falling on my head..

And just like the guy who turns up too big for his head..

Cryin’ is not for me

Coz’ rain drop keeps falling on my head, they keep falling

Coz’ I am freeee.. Nothing’s worrying me..”

Then he joined her in her dance of trance, still singing it aloud. He forgot that he had to go to office too, later on. It was not the time for those things, I guess. It was the time for love, for passion. It was the time to dream on.

They wandered all around the lake, among rain laden trees and towards the hills; Singing and dancing; playing and talking; holding hands till it stopped to rain. Then they sat on the same stone for some time, drowned in each other’s eyes, like lovers do.

Afterwards he left the place. She was there on the back seat of his bike before she faded away slowly and slowly with the disappearance of the hoarding behind the hills.

To Be Continued in Chapter 11



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