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By: r_chandra | Posted: Mar 12, 2008 | General | 201 Views

There is soo much an individual can do to protect the environment and it doesnt take much time or cost us. Each citizen play a vital role in not only working towards greener environment but also inculcating such practices among of friends, relatives and more importantly deliver a talk in schools and colleges. Students are the fastest media to a message reach out. Thought of sharing few things I am doing.

  • Encourage usage of public transport. Agree it's a compromise on spending little bit more time and lose of privacy ..but hey, it helps you to be better in time mgmt. Leave little early, listen to music or catch up with your friends/relatives while waiting for bus, read a book etc., so, you are actually not wasting time. You are making time work for you. No hassle of driving, spending money of gasoline and its helps the environment.

  • BAN and STOP using smoky autorickshaws. They are incorrigible. Rather drive your own vehicle which pollutes less than an autorickshaw.

  • Carry your own bag for grocery shopping. Preferably avoid plastic and use jute bags. If you are attending any functions, get-together, gift a nice jute bag with a greeting and a note asking them to use this bag for their grocery shopping.

  • While travelling in train, I always carry few plastic bags and hang them near the widows. I request the passengers around me not to throw wastes outside the window. Instead have them put in the plastic covers. While getting down, I take them and throw them in the dustbin. I am confident if even 5 to 10% of the fellow passengers get this message, our job is done.

Tags :
Green, pollution, Global, Warming
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