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By: leap24 | Posted: Aug 20, 2009 | General | 401 Views

This one's dedicated to my mother who came back home last night, totally weary after her long journey. Her broken leg swollen. Her spirit low. Yet she smiled and tried to hide her pain so that we would not be hurt. And we smiled that she would not know how much we're hurting! What is this game we play with the people we love? All I wanted to do was hug her and cry instead I was out there cracking corny jokes and trying to make her smile! Why did I do that? Why could I simply not cry? Does this happen to you too - when you feel so helpless that you cannot cry?

Sometimes it hurts to smile

But hey, you need to act brave

Like there’s nothing wrong

Like this is all so worthwhile

Those broken heart pieces

They hurt

But you can’t let it show

You just can’t let someone know

So you laugh and joke

You eat and drink

And with it you swallow

Those tears on the brink

You step outside of yourself

Wonder how you can smile

And act like all’s well

When you’re actually going through hell?

But look oh look

That heartless smile

Is giving someone the strength

To go that extra mile

So each time it breaks

You gather those zillion heart pieces

You might lose a piece of two

This, surprisingly, brings out a stronger you.


Note: And yes I'm still very very angry with whoever or whatever is the force that is orchestrating her life! I cannot get over how unfair this is...

Tags :
Mother, smile, heart, broken, pieces, Hurt
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