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By: sayanti.das | Posted: Sep 18, 2010 | General | 2132 Views (Updated Sep 18, 2010)

What an occasion to pen down something as cynical as this when pomp and splendor occupy every street either on Ganesh Chaturthi or EID in this country called, India. On one side when the colors of festivity touches the sky bestowing cheerfulness and happiness upon us; on the other hand the debate on Babri Masjid being the birth place of one of the greatest Avatars of Hinduism Sri Raam, never fails to churn some controversies in our minds.

Today, when all the Indians are busy celebrating their own festivals I find it funny. What if, a UFO drops in and starts beating some of them who sit for Namaaz at Babri Masjid? Will the Ganpati fan-following keep dancing around the idol singing that their God is in safer hands or will they keep cursing them for allegedly occupying their so-called holy place? Ah! That means a UFO dares to venture and conquer a holy place which was forever imbued in holiness? Yes, we are living in such a place where fastidious microorganisms derive happiness from artificial cultures borne out of religions in a so-called secular country. We celebrate and make merry during festivals and at the same time be like hooligans to create pools of blood in the name of God. It makes me wonder how many selves a single human possesses. Or, am I a fool not to search for God in what they call as Religion?

Supposedly, my religion has the place of ‘real’ God. Then how come He cannot prevent us from quarrelling or cruelly being slashed down by others? It is said that parents lead the way for their children. Is this what we are supposed to follow? I am not happy seeing bloodsheds and it makes me burst out in a loud cry and not wimp, ‘coz that’s not me. Does my Creator cry with me? Is He thrilled to see His own children been beheaded by their own brethren bearing the same blood color? If so, then He can’t be my Creator and I am not His Creation.

As I was brooding over this whole fake creation when someone inside whispered; then I heard a louder voice and then there were sounds of whirling waves beating and crashing violently inside me. When it calmed down I whispered to my within … What was that? Why were you so impatient and furious? He answered me with His thunder-like voice, ‘I was furious and that was my form of fury! I was crying and that was my up state of upheaval that rises in every heart that carries my drop of blood within them. But I can’t let it come out; or else they would be frantically drowned in the sea of miseries. So I keep banging and beating at every heart. The ones you can listen to me cries out the fury of me in their own voices to break down the shackles which the religions have created so far. ‘Coz I don’t belong to religions, I belong to you all; to each heart who craves for me and also who have shut their eyes towards me.’

It was a pensive experience for me. Realizing your own Creator sinking in deep agony is surely not a thrilling experience. But I was happy to be reunited to Him once again and to this great wisdom that says; ‘No religion has GOD; and No GOD has a religion.'

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