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By: krpotnis | Posted: May 18, 2009 | General | 836 Views

Vikramaditya resolutely went back to the tree, lifted Vetals body on his shoulder & continued his journey.

Vetal: Oh Vikrama! Your determination is unbelievable! It is greater than that showed by Advani, Sharad Pawar and Mayawati to become Prime minister! or that shown by Rahul Gandhi not to become prime Minister!

Vikrama didn't respond which disappointed Vetal.

Vetal: You keep your mouth shut so decisively, I believe that you must be one of the founder members of! And believing that pen is mightier than sword!.

Vikrama keeps his mouth shut and nods in a way that cannot be interpreted as yes or no.

Vetal: For timepass I shall tell you a story of one krpotnis and his daughter M & shall ask you the moral of it at the end, if you know it & don't speak, your head will break in 1000 pieces which you very well know.

Well, there is one krpotnis, whose daughter when she turned from Minor to Major wanted a license to kill (Driving License). So, both went to RTA Office (Govt. Office - where there are more agents than staff) & returned with Learner's License within two hours without spending extra rupee on agents!

Here Vikramadityas face was incredulous!

Next day krpotnis took out his 10 yrs old omni van & allowed it to be maneuvered by 18 yrs old M. M soon learned to drive in all gears on empty road, and suceeded in scaring a few wayward Rickshawallas.

Next day when M was coming on the main road from side lane & turning towards left, krpotnis saw a vehicle coming from right on main road & told M to slow down but M didn't budge with the result that that driver had to brake hard to slow down his vehicle , & give them a look of contempt.

M: He was far off, how he came up so fast?

krpotnis: Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear

M: You didn't tell me that!

krpotnis: It's written on the mirror!

M: Is it?

This convinced krpotnis that he was not a suitable instructor, and enroll M in a Motor Driving School nearby.

The school cosnsisted of an Old Goan Catholic Christian owner (fond of bottle), a few old Muslim Drivers (who generally don't drink despit popular belief) thus saving owners bottle and few M800s which were to be declared as heritage cars in coming years. The spirited Catholic put less spirit in M800, so that Master (Drivers own name for himself) spent 1/2 hour out of 1 hour alloted to students at Petrol Pump queue.

This was the place, where M received her " Sermons on the Petrol Pump". This encompassed traffic rules to be followed strictly, not so strictly & if caught what alibis can be offered & how the word "adjustment" is most important in dealing with traffic hawaldars.

From the second session onwards Master skillfully narrated stories of how his past students were grateful to him for having taught them motoring skills.

One called him to his home for feasting on mutton Biryani.

One gave him Kaju Katli box from Ghasitaram Halwai.

One gave him his own car for going to his native place with family for a few days!

One gave him new Rs. 500/- Note.

And so on....

At the end of each episode the virtues of "Gurudakshina" were amplified.

M soon got annoyed with Gurudakshina stories, but krpotnis decided (having learnt in Missionary School - Thou shall not Judge), to giftRs. 200/- after getting permanent license. M countered that no tips need be given to those who give skillful hints and harass.

On the day when everyone assembled in RTA for test, M was told that since she has taken learning license privately, she could not appear for test through driving school. Master ran from pillar to post to sort out the problem, for it meant loss of Gurudakshina. He could do nothing and asked M to give test next day on her own Omni van, which she did and got the License.

Concluding the story, Vetal asked Vikramaditya, should the Gurudakshina be given to the Master, for driving lessons given, ignoring his sycophansy and remembering "Thou should not Judge" or he should not be given Gurudakshina and taught a lesson in good behaviour?

Vikrama scratched his head, but could not come to a logical conclusion. He was very much elated (Since he didn't know the answer and thus could keep his "Maun Vrata").

But Vetal was no fool, while hanging from Peepul Tree he has once peeped into window opposite & seen "Kaun Banega Krorepati". While seeing interrogator - for a moment he thought he has seen his own mirror image - but then he remembered - his hairs were white and beard was black, but it was reverse in the case of interrogator. The interrogator was allowing contestants to use a helpline.

And so Vetal asked Vikrama to use his helpline to for a justifiable answer!

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