Hello All, I am writing this blog to highlight this issue wherein I am being harassed by HDFC bank loan recovery agents for a loan that was taken by a relative of mine.I got a call two days ago from HDFC bank and was asked whether I knew the person whose name they mentioned and whether I was related to them to which I innocently replied in the affirmative(THAT WAS THE SIN I COMMITTED-"BEING TRUTHFUL") There after they are constantly harassing me and calling me when I am busy and asking me to tell my relative to pay the dues.When I inquired as to who gave them my details and number they said that my relative had,which I have confirmed is not true!.To prove my point I would like to mention that we live in two different states and are not even in touch much,so would a bank take the reference of a person from another state when approving a loan?.Also I was informed by my relative that many other of her friends and relatives were getting these calls and all were only liked to her through FACEBOOK!The staff who call are totally shameless and outright rude.They even had the audacity to tell to me pay back the loan!.I tried cutting their calls but they call constantly.I even tried blacklisting their numbers but then they call from another number! and the harassment goes on. The main reason that prompted me to write this blog was to bring to the notice of all a few points that came to my mind:
1) How did HDFC bank get to know about the relation between the defaulter and me?
2) How were they able to source my Mobile number?
3) How do these banks still manage to get business after these type of malpractices?
4) Why harass someone who has nothing to do with you and your clients business?
And also a few suggestions:
1)For all those using Facebook,please check your privacy settings,most of which are set to " everyone"by default.
2) Avoid banking with such banks that have no ethical standards
3) Avoid mentioning relations on social networking sites
4) If your defaulting on a loan then don't use social networking;-)
Tags :
HDFC, loan, facebook, harassment