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By: rparora | Posted: Nov 04, 2011 | General | 247 Views


I have a LPG connection from M/s Gautam Enterprises (agancy of M/s Bharat Gas Ltd), Dilshad Garden, Delhi - 110 095 . My consumer No.22004. As pipeline gas connection has been installed at my resident I wanted to surrender my connection. Accordingly about six months back I visited my agency and asked them for surrendering of LPG connection what I have to do? They told me that someone will visit my residence and collect empty cylinder and pressure regulator and hand over me my security deposit of Rs.1000/-. Next day one person came to my residence to collect empty cylinder and regulator. I personally made a call to the agency from my landline phone for verification. Agency people talked to the person who visited my residence and after that talked to me and told me to hand over the cylinder and regulator and take Rs.1000/- from him. Now when I visited the agency for obtaining a surrender certificate as desired by PNG, the agency people are saying that they have not received any cylinder and regulator. When I insisted that you said you will send a person to collect cylinder and a person comes to my residence next day for the same purpose and after verification from you on my own landline phone I handed over the empty cylinder and regular to him now how you can deny that you did not received empty cylinder and regulator. It is obvious that you people have collected cylinder and you cannot denied the fact.

Then they advised me to get my connection transferred to some other place so that LPG connection will not be shown at my present address and PNG people will not ask for any certificate. They said they can easily transfer my connection to some other place. But I did not agree to their proposal and asked for surrender certificate as I have already surrendered empty cylinder and pressure regulator. They advised me to come after a few days and they will do something. But again when I visited their office after one week they refused to give certificate and said they cannot do anything for me.

Thereafter I tried to lodge a complaint with M/s Bharat Gas Limited but unfortunately there is no online facility for complaint available. I found a window in their website for lodging complaint but it is also not working. Customer care number is always busy. When I got connected the person on the other side said that their site is not working and hence advised me to call on Sunday (30 Oct 2011). After trying continuously for half an hour I got the call on Sunday but again the official listened my complaint very patiently and after that advised me to call on Monday (31 Oct 2011) as my complaint is genuine and there is no senior officer is available for lodging my complain.

It is very surprising that a reputed company like Bharat Gas does not have online complaint facility. Their customer care number remains always busy, if at all it is connected the official available there can not even lodge the complaint and advise only to call again.

I do not know what to do. Finally I am posting my complaint at this site. If any official of M/s Bharat Gas Limited read my complaint kindly help me and solve my problem.

with regards

Customer of Bharat Gas Ltd

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