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By: contactsharmilade | Posted: Aug 07, 2024 | General | 92 Views

After school programs hold immense value when it comes to training young children to develop their skills. And when such programs focus on developing Foundational Literacy and Numeracy skills, young children especially, the ones who are in first, second, and third grades will find it extremely beneficial. But why is it so? This is because in today’s world which is a highly challenging and competitive place in terms of careers and achievements, only individuals who are highly skilled can steer ahead and make a mark for themselves. And to be that kind of an achiever, one being qualified just in terms of education will not make it through but it is the one who has gained education with values will cross the line! So let us now find out how after school programs provide a great opportunity for teachers to train their younger students to understand their potential to take on challenges and come out with flying colours!

To Excel At Academics

Academics form an important part of a child’s life during the initial stages. But for any child to be academically successful he or she has to understand the basics right. This is where the emphasis on developing Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Skills at the earliest by a child becomes very significant. And it is only fair that a child gets exposed to such skills from a very young age because FLN skills are the basic requirement to understand any subject of study which will eventually lead a child to be academically strong by scoring better grades in all of them. But certain children will find it difficult to cultivate such skills just by attending only regular schooling and for them, carefully designed after school programs will be highly beneficial.

To Develop Confidence

Be it in academics or in life in general, confidence plays an important role to achieve success. But how does one develop confidence? Especially, when it is a child that we are talking about! Well, to be confident enough, a child has to understand whatever he or she is learning in his or her daily life, at home, school, and also in society. And to understand such things, a child has to develop FLN skills at the right age which is from grade 1 at school. And when one fails to do so, he or she has to be introduced to after school programs that will help him or her develop such necessary skills due to the extra focus or caution that the teachers provide to every child. Such programs that are specifically designed with the intention of imparting certain important skills and education with values for children are very much necessary for the underprivileged children too due to the challenges they face in their everyday life even to get basic necessities such as good food and clothes.

To Learn Social Skills

A confident person who is also academically good does not naturally become good at communicating with people around him or her. This is where one’s social skills come in. But in order to be good at socializing with people around, Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Skills are very important. This is another significant reason why FLN skills should be imparted to children at a very young age during their schooling years. And the ones who are not able to pick and develop such skills are the ones who should be cared for in the after school programs and so, these training programs become highly necessary.

Children who do not develop the necessary skills get a second chance when they are trained with extra care in the after school programs conducted by teachers. Schooling is a very important stage in a child’s life as this is where a child gets exposed to education with values and necessary skills. But the world today has become highly competitive and after school programs have become a priority so that children belonging to all walks of life get a fair chance at achieving glory and excellence in life!

Tags :
and, school, Program, after, literacy, numeracy, foundational
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