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for example-
Automotive:Bikes,Car/SUVs,Bike Dealers,CarDealers
Education: Boarding Schools,CBSE Schools,ICSE Schools,InternationalSchools,Nursery and Playschools, Coaching Classes, Engineering Colleges, Law Colleges,
Medical Colleges, Business Schools, Colleges
Computers: Laptops/Notebooks Softwares, Printers, External Hard Disks, Gaming Consoles
Electronics: Air Conditioners,Televisions,Cameras, ipods/Mp3 Players, Air Coolers,
Inverter, Wearable Devices
Health and Beauty: Apparel Fragrances,Bags,Shoes, Watches, Gyms and FitnessCentres,Chemists, Hospitals, Eye Makeup, Face Makeup, Lip Colour, Nail Paints, Makeup Removers, Salons, Spas, Beauty and Skin Clinics, Eye Care, Hair Removal, Hair Care, Personal Hygiene
Grocery Items: Biscuits, Chocolates,Cooking Oils and Ghee, Meat and Poultry, Pickles,
Soup, Cheese and Butter, Cigarettes,Ice Creams, SaucesKitchen
Appliances: Coffee Makers,Food Processors, Cooking Ranges, Microwave Ovens,
Electric Chimneys, Modular Kitchen, Refrigerators, WaterPurifiers
Non - Kitchen Appliances: Bathroom Fittings, Generators, Inverters, Mattresses, Pest
Control, Water Heaters, AirPurifiers, Home Security Systems Vacuum Cleaners, Washing Machines and Dryers