This is one question that most people ask to mi. I am not able to answer to every one that's why writting this blog.
One thing just get in your mind, in this world nothing comes in quick, like grass take a time, plant take a time to be a tree. Whereas theres is no way of the quick rich, yes but fast growth can be happen,but quickly rich kind of thing nothing excited.
If you want to be rich work every single day for get it done. Work every single hrs to be rich. Because richnes comes with work. Do work bad learn new thing every single days. And the most probably apply at the same time than you will get your expected returns.
Many people don't want to learn new things that's why they Are looking for some shortcuts for the success.
Many people don't want bounse back from there fear and losses. They are stiking over there. Because of the bad experience or the fear as well.
Many people loose there hope too soon. They get impatience on the process of the success.
Many people do started comparing there self to others. that's the biggest bad thing. You have to understand you are the unic. No one like you. If you fingerprint is not matching with any one in the world at the same to your talent you are also the unic one.
Many people get pressers with there relatives and step back from the path of the success. I think if u wanted to be successful so avoid this relatives and just keep going.
Pls do the all things I have mentioned , if u do so I promised you one you will get your desire success.
Lately get in mind there is every problem have there solution.
Thank you.