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By: rawraj | Posted: May 12, 2009 | General | 1611 Views

I have nothing against any meet.

Ross seems to be trying hard to prove that I am some kind of an insane person who hates MS meets and most of all the Chennai meet.

First of all as soon as the meet was over I congratulated Ross on His SMS review.

On all Dps regarding Chennai meets I have never bought any issue, there wasn't any issue to bring up!

The meet was over everything fine and everyone happy.

Then Ross posts the TOI article with a very humble request saying "please give me your honest opinions" Ok not he is asking our honest opinion on the TOI article and NOT the meet.

So I told him that I feel the TOI article was misrepresenting Mouthshut.

Mouthshut is not started by a group of 30 msians from Chennai and so on. I also signed off with a smile saying "this is by honest opinion".

Then after that I proceeded to get everyone's attention to the Ross's DP,not as an act of protest but to see if all other members felt the same way as I did, when I read the article.

If other members had not felt the same way then I would have definitely thought that maybe I am not looking at it the right way. Also I sincerely thought that Ross had posted this DP to get an "honest opinion".(all I can say is well....)

A little intro on the original article that was supposed to appear on TOI.

It said that this groups of 30 people started as an online group and now they have taken this movement to the "asphalt streets of the city". It also went on to describe the Blore Msians as "neighbors" who come in and help this 30 member group on certain occasions.

JAMS was the only person who read this DP and agreed to it. He said that when he wanted to comment the DP was deleted. JAMS to agree that this article does not describe MS as the huge community it is. We shared a few M2Ms and matter closed.

After a month or more Ross again posts this article.

Now if he had posted it again as a an attempt to get some feedback, he would got a very calm feedback from me. I felt thought now MS was not misrepresented, I believe a little more info on how strong the MS community is should be added and some facts like inception and member strength.

But our Ross posted a Dp with a title "True reason for not publishing"

Now that was wrong cause this was not the true reason.

Secondly he accused some "member" of making some "fake call to TOI" and that is why the article was not published. This is what he quoted exactly "Its really regretted that we have some fake MSians in MS"

I really do not if TOI takes fake calls about an online community so seriously. Many members pointed that out.

The last thing that really angered me is what he typed at the end of the post...

(Due to unavoidable circumstances I am unable to publish the real reason..wait and see it will be published.....after getting permission,I will post the reason..thanks...)

Wow now if he has unable to publish the real reason then what is this entire DP about.

Even SRNair who is a respected member has commented "Why did it happen only with your meeting in Chennai and not with meetings elsewhere? You have to provide answers without serializing the whole thing to maintain some kind of suspense."

This "serializing" pissed me off.

Also the fact that Ross was counting on the fact that no one else had seen the earlier article so he can get away with anything right now.

That is the only issue I have.

If Ross had just posted a simple DP saying that this is the article that is going to be published in TOI, was not able to be published earlier due to unavoidable circumstances.

I would have not said anything.Like I said earlier my comment would have been "good they have edited the article atleast it is not a misrepresentation, but I think it needs a little more intro on MS and its background".

Oh and I forget ross said(in his comments) that The chief editor of TOI stopped the article minutes before it was going to be published.

But then he goes on to say that TOI kept on asking him when to publish the article and he was busy so he could not give them a day.

1.If Chief editor stopped the article why will the Local TOI ask Ross for permission to publish.

2.Why did he keep on delaying the publishing even if he was busy. All he could say is publish it any time.

The fact is after my protest that article does not represent MS properly it was Ross only who stopped the article from publishing, that is the only reason why TOI will come back to ross to ask him for permission to publish it again.

This assumption could be wrong, but nothing can explain Ross actions.

If it was a fake call by a fake member(which is just a joke but lets assume). Now they know that it was fake call, so TOI should have immediately published the article, why come back to Ross and ask for permission

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