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By: naru009 | Posted: Aug 30, 2016 | Games | 197 Views

Hello My Name is Narayan Shukla. I have a Play station 3.

I am a game lover. High quality or graphic games are very interesting for me atlest.Recently I have played many games which are able to blow a persons mind and he or she will be into another world.

Recent Games I have played: God of war 4

Call of duty blckops 3

Uncharted 3

prototype 2

I am writing all of this just because of people who actually love games and wanted to know updates & like to discuss on this topic. We can share information with each other. More games, more game playing strategy & experience. Best part of game story line, camera view or plat. So gamer let connect with each other and starts sharing experiences.

Tags :
games, graphic, 3d, 3, play, station, ps
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