I love Aadi
I want him to get the best I could manage
I want to be with Deepa for as long as I possibly could
I don't want to die a painful death marred with diseases
I may not have enough money to get treatment for diseases like Cancer
I would save a lot of money by not smoking
A rough estimate tells me that if I quit today and live upto 65 years, I would end up saving about 1000000 (10 lacs) only by not buying cigarettes
If I add cost of health care and some interest/investment angle, this amount could be any where between 2000000 to 4000000
I want to smell better and taste better :)
I don't want to be just another moron with a cigarette in his hand
I believe I can quit, thats what I thought when I started and now I have to make this happen
I don't want Aadi to think "it is okay to smoke"
I want to prove to myself that I am not a person with low/no determination, if I could do this, I could very well chase all dreams of my life
Life can only be better from here
I don't have to get up from cozy and comfy lap of my mother and go out on some silly excuses when she is with me
I don't have to look down when some one talks of bad habits
I am quitting for myself and for the people in this photograph