I had a very bad exerience as a SURE FERTILITY CILINIC at JP nagar 5th Phase
i wanted to give a cpl happiness ..by donating eggs.
Main motive was to hel a cpl to g et a KID
BUT ALAS they experimented with my body took large amt of blood just to show the patients that they are satisfying them
and the desparate patients who have been fooled with many big clinics like Manipal hospital, apollo clinic etc used me to just enrich their experience and get the satisfaction
in the whole process verybody gained and I was MADE a fool
The doctors are so rude they treated me as if I am from low background and desparately need money
NOW I UNDERSTAND WHY ONLY LOW CLASS , POOR AND UGLY ppl donate their eggsas THEY can only undergo this harassment
THE CPL WHO MISUSE A INDEPENDENT EGG DONOR for their experience as they wud have undergone 100 other things to desprately get a kid and the doctors of SURE FERTILITY CLINIC wud make a fool of them so that they keep gettign money
all details wud be shared with the genuine person who wants to know more on this
Tags :
and, are, fraud, egg, fertility, donors, independent, clinics, harass