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By: cuday | Posted: Nov 19, 2013 | General | 238 Views

With a house renovation project on hand, wanted to lay a new flooring, I took advice from the know it and have seen or done it masses as to what the best option is. One that is relatively easy to maintain and at the same time can present a pleasing picture to the eye and the unanimous verdict by everyone has been vitrified tiles, A survey of the indian tile or to be more specific vitrified tile market has resulted in me getting more confused than getting educated or being in a position to take a decision. There are so many brands, some very popular the ones which we see on the television day-in and day-out and the others with out any identity except for the fact that all of them are either manufactured in Gujarat or the companies are based in Gujarat. None in the retail or for that matter in the whole sale or the so called company showrooms can actually tell what are the differences between different ranges tiles of their own company or the differences between other companies tiles. Every company has its own standards, the presence or the absence of which can only be vouched by the companies and the best of it all is that everyone claims to be the best in the industry. If the situation is piquant enough the pricing gets you all the more tied up in knots. At the end of the day it simply boils down to'Like it take it'

Tags :
Tiles, vitrified
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