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By: saminamunshi | Posted: Nov 04, 2012 | General | 262 Views

My balance has been deducted by fraud and thats true

and thats all I know.I want refund anyhow.Their system only knows how

to deduct money and auto-renew every plan without customer's prior


I confirmed on 20th oct with reliance cust care exec about the

unltd whatsapp/Fb plan fr 16rs/Mnth.Askd them on *333 number

specifically twice about hidden t&C and extra requiremnt fr that.I was

told its free fr 16rs/Mnth without any t&C.After that I proceeded for

the plan.Still my 30rs were deducted.And till date evry day 1re gets

deduced as I surf fb.Its clearly system's or cust care exec


Now even if any new t&C or requirement arise,M not at fault anyhw.Also

cust care exec

are irresponsible and dont have manners to talk to customers.

Eveyday I have to call up to replay my problem to evry new cust care

exec,they take complaint and next day msg cms dat it has been

resolved,even if it nevr do.Then again I have to complaint and take

new complaint num n dis cycle goes on..M tired now.

Just gimme my refund,will change

telecom company for better.I will never evr evn by mistake will buy

reliance sim,neither suggest anyone and evn if someone wish to buy

will nvr let him do so.Mark my words.

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