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By: desigal | Posted: Nov 23, 2010 | General | 886 Views (Updated Nov 24, 2010)

The concept of co incidence has always fascinated me, once I heard someone talking about co incidences and how in geometry co incident angles perfectly meet, so in life co incidents are meant to happen!

I remember this freak incident that happened when I was very young about 3 or 4 years old, I somehow managed to get out of the house and was almost lost in the streets, miraculously a lady took me to the police station, and a few minutes later my dad ended up in the same police station!

I always think at that age I wouldn't have made it back to my house and if that lady wasn't a good soul, what would have happened? I may laugh about it now and back then too, but I do realize that destiny is not something that you can totally write off!

According to me, people come to your life for specific purposes, if you sit back and think you will realize that how much some people would have influenced, without you realizing it! Some people have a limited time in our life, even in this time and age where communication is not a problem at all, why do some people just go away from our lives? And some people tend to make special guest appearances every now and then! :P

Well, there is a theory that, you are the creator of your own destiny, I agree to this theory as well, hard work definitely pays rich, but I also believe that if it was meant to happen it will happen! I am often confused between these two theories, there are ample number of examples where I haven't got my due, but on the contrary there have been several instances where things have just happened to me which makes it even more confusing!

Some things aren't in our control, like how we react to a particular situation, what makes us happy, nervous,sad, angry, excited.. We never can know! May be we are meant to react in a certain way in a certain situation!

What makes life interesting is its unpredictability! I love it when life throws a few surprises every now and then, even if they are not pleasant, sometimes its wise to not think too much and leave it to destiny!

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