once an American was persueded by his close Indian buddy to take a trip of India..
As both of them were real good pals ...he agreed & came down to India with his quest of knowing more about India'sCulture.Heritage.history & Brotherhood......
after almost a month when he returned back to America...his Indian friend called upon him...as he was eager to know about his friend's reaction ........
they fixed up a meeting,when two of them were togather he asked him ..budddy
How do you find my country?
american replied..Its amazing
the second one was..did you liked our culture & hospitality?
american replied....its great,was beyond my expectation..
Our history?
greatest in the world
Our historical monuments & the natural beauty?
american said....monuments..are...mind blowing..intact..natural beauty...hey man you Indians are lucky......your's is gods own land...fab
And how about our brotherhood & How did you find us Indians?
American said !..brotherhood..did you say that?...about Indians is that your question?
Friend their is just hatered in India..I cud see..
I never met any Indians there ...I had met with GUJRATIS...MARATHIS....TAMILS.KANNADAS....KASHMIRIS....BUT COULD'NT FIND ANY INDIANS.......
no morale for anyone...we have to think about this serious joke......
jai hind