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By: desigal | Posted: Nov 10, 2010 | General | 2211 Views

Kal Kare So Aaj Kar, Aaj Kare so Ab, I have been listening to this from ages now but I have never been able to implement it, Aaj Kare so Kal Kar, Kal Kare so Parson(hope the manipulation is correct :P) is my mantra!!

People around me say I am inherently lazy, I have the habit of delaying things to the maximum extent possible, I like to do things at the nth moment, I like the pressure of performing in a limited time, I don't know if its an excuse for my laziness but I hate doing things before hand!

From writing records in college bus on the day of submission to studying the entire syllabus the night before the exam, I have done it all, but mind you I don't compromise on quality, I just like to put myself in a pressure situation!

But this attitude of mine has rubbed on to other aspects of my life as well, I seem to realize a few stuff just in the nick of time or sometimes realize them very late, So I wonder why is that sometimes we just cannot see clearly? We seem to be lost in things that don't matter, while in reality we should be doing something else! And one fine day suddenly realize Arree I should have done this earlier!

They say, Better Late then Never, but to what extent is it true? I envy those people who can see clearly and always seem to do the right thing! Well, I believed that one should make mistakes and learn from them but now I realize that wasn't such a good plan or may be it is, who knows?

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