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By: priyankadixit22 | Posted: Oct 17, 2008 | General | 332 Views

The fast of Karva Chauth is of particular importance to Hindu women as they believe it ensures the well-being, prosperity and longevity of their husbands. The origin of this festival was based on a very sweet and noble idea. Though this idea has lost its true sense as today the whole outlook of this festival has changed. Long time back, girls used to get married at a very early stage, and had to go and live with their in-laws in other villages. If she had any problems with her husband or in-laws, she would have no one to talk to or seek support from. Her own parents and relatives would be quite far and unreachable. There used to be no telephones, buses and trains long ago.

Thus the custom started that, at the time of marriage, when bride would reach her in-laws, she would befriend another woman there who would be her friend or sister for life. It would be like god-friends or god-sisters. Their friendship would be sanctified through a small Hindu ceremony right during the marriage. Once the bride and this woman had become god-friends or god-sisters, they would remain so all their lives and recognize the relation as such. They would also treat each other like real sisters.

During any difficulty later in life, involving even the husband or in-laws, these women would be able to confidently talk or seek help from each other. Thus Karva Chauth started as a festival to celebrate this friendship (relationship) between the once-brides and their god-friends (god-sisters). Praying and fasting for the sake of husband came later and is secondary. It was probably added, along with other mythical tales, to enhance the festival. In any case, husband would always be associated with this festival, because the day of starting this holy friendship between two god-sisters was essentially the day of bride's marriage to him. Thus praying and fasting for him by his wife during a celebration of her relationship with the god-friend would be quite logical.

Thus, originally Karva Chauth is once a year festival to renew and celebrate the relationship between god-friends (god-sisters). It had a tremendous social and cultural significance once when world lacked the ways to communicate and move around easily .

image of karva chart

Karwa Chauth in Present

Karwa Chauth is a occasion which has been inspiring Indian women for years and has been a emotional nucleus for many marriages. In present day, the concept and form of this festival has taken a great change.

When this ritual of celebrating Karwa Chauth started, the wife was dependent on the husband and this was one way of showing love and expressing gratitude. But today, in most cases, the wife is working and is no longer financially dependent on the husband. Stating the above, I would still like to believe in the emotion behind the fast and feel that though times have changed this festival has still kept the tradition of wife's undaunted love for her husband alive. In modern society and with high tech life style, we are losing small moments of happiness in relationships. This festival is one way to bring two loving hearts together and reminding each other that marriages are made in heaven but hearts beat on earth.

So all you busy husbands and wife, please find time to wish each other 'Happy Karwa Chauth' and celebrate the beautiful bond which God created. Make your partner feel wanted and get away from the myth that Karwa Chauth is only for women.

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