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By: tjohn | Posted: Jul 15, 2013 | General | 192 Views

Everyone in India has heard of the highly respected Kirloskar diesel engines used both in domestic homes and other establishments like schools shops etc for backing up electrical power. Should you be considering the purchase of a generating set please avoid Kirloskar engines although this option may be the first choice to spring up in your mind as a first choice. Kirloskar as on date is only a name that keeps freewheeling in its past Glory . They have no living beings intelligent or otherwise in their organisations. Only Ghosts who have names but no life. I myself being an old fossil pushing 70 went for a Kirloskar diesel engine some two years ago when I wanted to back up power for the small factory I owned. I opted for Kirloskar because I believed it was the best available generator in the Indian market. This machine did work alright for some time but when it started giving me trouble I could not get someone knowledgeable to set it right..Several vendors who claimed to be Kirloskar authorised dealers tried to set it right but could not although I had to shell out service charges every time . Finally in desperation I tried to find a genuine Kirloskar dealer from the company website. It was at this point that I discovered that Kirloskar was no more. It had died long ago and their company manned entirely by zombies and ghosts who can be seen but cannot be heard or communicated with. I suddenly realised there indeed was an advantage in dealing with ghosts such as these. I realised they had not really tried to sell their product to me in the first place. Despite my several calls to them asking them where I may buy their product when I first decided to buy a generator I had no one calling me back to push their products on me. I should have known I was dealing with Ghosts at that time. I out of my own free will had bought an expensive Kirloskar Engine while there were several vendors falling head over heels pestering me by offering similar products at half price . Should you be tempted in a similar manner to buy the famous Kirloskar diesel generating set at any time please do make sure you do not make the same error of judgement I had made . .

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