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By: isadimwit | Posted: Mar 29, 2008 | General | 791 Views (Updated Mar 29, 2008)

Smarter than a 5th grader -- Well maybe you think you are. So go either hysterical laughing at the silly questions and keep punching the answers from all the phones at home, hoping to get a chance to participate and become a millionaire in a Jiffy. Or you put your foot in the mouth when you realize that all the money that you have spent in those calls for 10 days have gone to Star TV and synergy and they are having the last laugh. Well my dear friends no pain no gain.... I will tell you a first hand experience of a contestant who went

through the selection procedure of "kya aap paanchvi pass se tez hain".

so what is this game show any way... it can't be that easy cant it. As a matter of fact if you are intelligent and smart and know your basic GK well enough then forget it that they will choose you.

I will tell you a first hand experience of a contestant who went there hoping that He will really be able to be a crorepati.... Poor guy first he was called at 8 o clock at siri fort where there was almost a stampede to enter the premises... almost more that 500 other aspirants stood there, pulling pushing, cursing cussing at each other till they finally got inside after 11. There were starry eyed people from all around Delhi who flexed their intellectual muscles with any and everyone they met.... then followed a rigorous filling of forms... almost like a college or school entrance form.

the first form had apart from your vital stats.... an entire detail of your school life, educational qualifications, fav teacher, fav subject, hobbies, parents opinion, friend's opinions, monthly income,  etc etc. Disgustingly the very first item on the form was -- religion: as if they are going to select or not-select on the basis of one's religion.

then came an entire jingbang form of huge lot of legal rules and what they will do with your photos etc, which one had sign on every page.(making it watertight for you)

next was the most horrible part --- a long wait for about 5-15 hrs depending when you will be summoned, when one is expected to wait patiently and watch the organisers create a total chaos of a simple selection procedure.... Perhaps the 'Clockwork' should learn some time management.

In the meanwhile you get your mugshots.... and are asked to prepare for the audition shoot.

The shoot which in itself looked like a sham consists of 3 queries they will ask

1) introdution-- the wilder you get the least is your chance of selection... the biggest dodo's will make it cause they are good to make fun at when it goes on air.

2) msg for sharukh --- Though they ask you to be innovative.. .but the more innovatively stupid you are the chances of getting selected are if you are telling him something he doesn't want to hear then be sure of being eliminated... so don't even utter that you were in the same school with him... he doesn't want to remember you.

3) show some special skills why you should be selected --- the more buffoonry you do the chances are better for you.

You will also be asked some silly questions like-- how many times 7 appears between 1 ans 100... or what is the southern most tip India.... or who is the head of state of India.

DON"T EVEN DARE TO GIE THE CORRECT ANSWERS.... cause those who gave the answers correct didn't get selected... matter of fact.

lastly there will be a test paper with 25 very childish question.... Try and make as many mistakes as you can..... cause you want to go tthe game show.....

there were actually people who don't know --- what is the animal of WWF (world wildlife fund)....or the captain of Indian team.... or where did Gandhiji start his dandi march... and who was the last mughal emperor.....

Are you surprised... don't be... cause they are the potential ones to go to the show. There will be uncles from jallandhar... aunties from sharanpur.... and behenjis and bhaisahabs from all small towns who are absolutely 0 in GK, who Star TV is looking for.... WHY?

Very simple... if they keep smart people then.... they have to dole out a lot of money.. instead they are raking all the money that you pay thru your innumerable calls and some underdog from sleepy town... goe there and becomes a crorepati.... surprised? I wasn't ... so I thanked my stars that I didn't get selected... and feel sorry for those.... who will go there and fail to earn anything... and will have to make a laughing stock of them selves, when people will laugh at their weak GK..."Itna bhi nahi malum".... you are not smarter than a 10 yr old.... what a shame.... and what a sham... jio start TV... nice idead to make moolah

Tags :
paanchvi, pass, smarter, than, a, fifth, grader
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