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By: sandeepmehta_1 | Posted: Sep 02, 2016 | General | 310 Views

Hey! The rains are here again,

Let?s get a walk together.

My eyes will trace you during,

Let?s get few chats together.

It?s been long since I wrote for you,

It?s been ages since I glorified you.

The time on my side again,

Hey! The rains are here again.

I am the Shakespeare today,

From the class of writers.

Be my MonaLisa for the day,

The best of inspirations.

Let me deny taking permissions,

Holding your hand in mine.

Let me defy the rules of the world,

Let my love be pristine.

Did you say some?

Couldn?t listen,

Some words in your eyes?

Or am I more than wise?

Oh!Your fragrance is ruling my life for days,

Your divine grace giving my life some new ways.

Come along let?s say it louder,

Come with me, walk with me,

Let?s elope and not leave a trace!

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