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By: a2zanup | Posted: Jan 03, 2015 | General | 255 Views

Lets resolve to to do the following this New Year.

.Let's STOP.

1- Impossibly long and senseless forwarded messages. Also those messages that end with ."forward to 10 other friends". I'll risk that trip to hell, thanks.

2- Mass-tagging. WHY? I mean why would you even think of tagging people along with 40 others even if they are not in it? Do not ghost-tag. It makes people hate you.

3- Spamming by sending game requests and invitations to most random events. If I wanted to run, I'd run. And as far as'giving life' is concerned Candy Crush lovers, please consider your own existence a gift from us and move on.

4- "Ima gonna say dis 1 tym nly: TYPE THE WHOLE DODDAMN WORD. Also, HBD? HNY?" .Really? What are you so busy doing that you cannot even be bothered to type a greeting properly?!

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