This lawyer Soumitra Chatterjee of Lexcorp law Offices Delhi represented us at the National Disputes Redressal Commission at Delhi but later he withdrew the case at the advice of the judge. He did not provide us a copy of the case file or court order nor the receipt of money paid to him for expenses related to the case.He then filed the case at State Consumer Commission at Raipur Chattisgarh. Later again he withdrew the case from the State Commission because he did not know how to argue the case. We asked him for a copy of the case file. Now he is neither giving us the case file nor replying our emails. When called his assistant is saying this is wrong number.Clearly the guy does not know anything about client relationship. He is only 33 yrs old so you can judge from this case what kind of a reputation he is building for himself. This also proves that he has studied law as written by the british for us indians.Not real law. This man never got a real education. He is stupid and a fraud. Money is not everything in this world. Keep away from him.