In Tiruttani there are frequent power cuts. Power cuts are common during nights also. The power goes of approximately 5-7 times a day which takes 120 to 150 minutes to restore. Some lodges have generators and on the genrators during the evening times of weekends and important days to make the pilgrims believe that they would use generators. So rooms get filled quickly. Then after sometimes they off the generators leaving you with sweat and tired. We stayed in New Woodlands lodge and they cheated pilgrims like this. Also on the back of this Sannadi Street there is a big stagnant drainage ditch like Coovam river in Chennai. So there are lot of mosquitoes. Without current supply it is very difficult to cope up this situation. But a part of Devastanam logde is provided power supply for 24 hours through generators though I could not confirm about the power supply to all its rooms. So better take rooms in Devastanam lodge if you can cope up with unclean but spacious and good ventilated rooms or look up for alternative plans.