Caught up in the oh so dreaded spot when you want to freak out but are low on dough…don’t you fret – all you need is a House Party!
Follow these steps to plan a perfect house party in a limited budget -
Party teaser/ theme – Have your friends excited from the moment you send through the invites – make them theme based. For instance, a rock and roll theme can have people come dressed bizarre aka rock star-like and have dire repercussions for not honoring the theme (egg pelting?).
Make room – Your friends are going to want to dance as they get higher and rest right after. So, have enough room. Create a comfortable space by adding mattresses or bringing the outdoor indoor (cane patio furniture pieces work great!).
Take ‘em higher – What’s a party without booze! Good music + lots of booze does the trick. Everyone’s gonna be dancing and laughing their way to merriment!
Food and fun – Have enough food (can be a potluck) to feed your friends’ gobs…people can get really hungry when they are high. Have fun games/activities planned for the non-drinkers and the non-dancers.
Safety/emergencies – As the old adage goes – “Better safe than sorry”…ensure your guests return home safe (drinking and driving is a strict no no), or give them a place to crash (bean bags can double up). Some people are likely to get sick with all that booze. Plan in advance for such predictable emergencies. And be aware at all times like a responsible host should be so that no unpleasantness can spoil your party.
Not that tough right? Just plan a little beforehand and you are good to go and have the time of your life!
Tags :
bean, Bags, house, party, ideas, music, patio, Furniture