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By: sonias | Posted: Jun 25, 2009 | General | 805 Views (Updated Jun 25, 2009)

Marriages are made in heaven everyone knows that but we make it hell here on earth....this is also know to all.

No one is perfect i agree with that but then we are not GOD so why does anyone expect us to be perfect????.Each newly married couple enters in this so called beautiful world of family with so many dreams and desire and it takes just one shot to shatter all of it in one go.Am talking in general so please don't take it otherwise is the most common phrase u'd hear from ur spouse after he/she said something that attacked u deep inside,and thats what gives pleasure to the other person see u helpless in love .

Marriage is an institution in itself and requires commitment from both the partners...but it has been noticed en number of times that this commitment is asked from one partner only and the other thinks that it's his or her right to be on top ,to be he /she make themself the king or the queen for the final judgment.I mean thir word wud be final and they don't accept any arguments on that.

We normally follow what our fathers and husbands ask us to follow "Is that means society is dominated by males????" But what if in some homes female is the head of the family and all the members gets goosebumps before asking for anything???? So wud it be ok if I say in such cases that it is opposite.........actually we don't realize that dominating someone is not at all human.It's actually a big problem if u have a similar characteristic in ur home.I mean if u or ur partner gets the pleasure to see each other crying after an argument on a small issue on tea is not normal,u don't realise that but unknowingly u have spoiled the atmosphere of ur so called sweet home which actually isn't sweet anymore.....why???? u and ur partner made it so bitter with ur small tiffs on small small things that it must have started stinking ....i bet u know all this but still u don't see the reason for it..

Recently was going thru a term we all know as "sadistic pleasure".

"Sadists are masters of abuse by proxy and ambient abuse. They terrorize and intimidate even their nearest and dearest into doing their bidding. They create an aura and atmosphere of unmitigated yet diffuse dread and consternation. This they achieve by promulgating complex "rules of the house" that restrict the autonomy of their dependants (spouses, children, employees, patients, clients, etc.). They have the final word and are the ultimate law. They must be obeyed, no matter how arbitrary and senseless are their rulings and decisions.".

I just hope none of you are one of them who gets this kind of pleasure????? Have a happy life as u get only one chance to make it beautiful......

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