For someone needing a simple template for a friend's memorial the following might be handy. Just fill in the blanks.
_____[NAME]_____ World's Greatest Friend This has been created as a memorial to a very special person who had touched so many of our lives. She/he will be forever missed, never forgotten, and always in our prayers.
a.k.a World's Greatest Friend,
I thought this might be a way to pay tribute to you, someone who has touched so many of our lives. Your smile lit up the room when you walked in. __[name]__, you had it all, talents for ________ and _________, love for family and friends, and a passion for life that was greater than great. The way you worried about everyone proved that you were so selfless. You gave so much to so many. God took you because he needed a __[occupation, family]__. You will be forever in our hearts.
If you have suggestions for other friendship tributes, which can help others who might be at a loss for words, please forward them to so they can added. Thanks.