What should be an ideal man and women relationship. Man and women meet each other in different forms of relationship. They can be friends, brother and sister, husband and wife or girlfriend boyfriend. I am on the lookout of the relationship which would be most suitable and a progressive one. While others may question me here that Upanishads says that after marriage the wife takes control of all the relationships, ie., of the Mother, sister, girlfriend and also the friend.
I have come to the conclusion by my own experience that Upanishads or Geeta Puran are not totally wrong, however, a definition of wife described in there is totally different. Wife can not be your friend, since she can't divulge her secrets with you. Even if she has divulged her secrets, they are the bare minimum to keep you on the toe. There are more realities which have been hidden from you. Wife cann't be your sister since you will get a police notice if you had a fight with her. With a sister, you were free to fight or tease her, but with wife its her authority. A wife can't be your girlfriend since the wife is tagged to you for life and she never realise your good points, for the reasons girlfriend will try to dig and stay with you for those small reasons. Wife in general has become a materialistic thing which you are having. Its a regular routine things that you do everyday, similarly you have a wife to take care of. Its a piece of gold ring that sticks with your finger the day you marry and last till the end of your life. The best relationship between a woman and man starts from a friend. You share everything with her and your likes and dislikes are not hidden from her. A friend going to become a wife is the another possibility, but that also changes the relationship. "A man cann't succeed without a girl". Its a true saying. However, that girl need not be your wife, she should be your friend and only friend who understands you in the hour of your distress......
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friends:, potion, for, life