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By: naturalmore | Posted: Sep 13, 2010 | General | 1574 Views (Updated Sep 14, 2010)


I love to work out in morning routinely at nearby park. Though this place is small & caters fewer crowds but sufficient & convenient for me. Today my son kept me busy as he was called for extra class & my driver was on leave so I accompanied him for school which is 15 -20 km far. That’s why I decided to do my daily assignment in a bigger park in front of the school while he finished his class of 2 hours. This place was more crowded, different types of people were doing their daily rituals. I had enough time than required for my exercise so some part of time I spent to observe others. As a result I got many tickling funny things for writing.

If I categorize the crowd according to age these are three, kids group, 40’s group& senior citizen group.Not a single person of 30’s wanted to spoil their precious lazy morning for this silly routine.

In kidsgroup, upper limit was 10 or 12 years. They entered alone or with elders carrying their sport instruments like footballs, cricket bates etc &started their national sport event as soon as they positioned here.

People in their 40’s appeared tightly scheduled they were doing their work out by watch doing brisk walking or jogging on running track. They dressed well, wearing good sports suits, pricey shoes, properly managed hair , probably earning well , securing good positions at their work place, accumulating properties, planning for purchasing flashy cars, just worried about schoolings & or placement of kids. I am sure, all of them had missed workout in their 30’s. So now they got paunches of varying sizes & were getting older looks. They just want to get back their younger looks & healthier physique at any cost & by any method. They lost their youth in struggle to get present position & now they are missing their precious & powerful time of youth. An interesting person who had signs of aging on face but trying hard to pose younger, using artificial wig & doing movements faster for his age.. Overall he was quite mismatched at face & actions.

Most interesting group was third group, senior citizen group; these insomniac people carry several reasons for visit here.

First of all they can’t keep themselves on bed after 5 o’clock & don’t have any company at home in these early hours. They were here for spend their whole free time at one hand & keep them healthy on other . They want to fix their various health problems like sugar, pressure, joints & muscle mobility here. They gathered information regarding it from various sources like from neighbors, peer groups, various channels of TV, baba Ramdeo type people & rarely from qualified doctors & physiotherapists. Few were peeved by ignorance of younger. One lady of 60’s smaller in height but bigger in diameter, moving their shoulders slowly in various directions it was appearing that she got late to take care of her weight & mobility of joints & now she was trying to save whatever left for her. Members of this group made further several groups few were doing yoga, Pranayam, few were sitting in corner & laughing loudly called laughter group, others were busy in discussing about fate of universe, about humanity, & trying to find out the reasons of evolution of human being. They were sharing their earned views & experience of life.

As I was hovering here & there I got a corner shadowed by thick cluster of trees. This corner was blessed by numerous jumping birds & sparrows. I sat there & lost in watching activities of these small creatures of nature. If I knock my past it must be gap of several years before I had such great time. Probably long back in my childhood

Suddenly silence of my mind was broken by a person who entered &carrying a polythene bag filled by pieces of fruits & a bucket full of water. He distributed fruit pieces to these small &lovely creatures. He has made few small elevated pits here & filled them with water. Birds were drinking it. I felt he is in upbeat mood by doing this service.

People develop several habits to make them happy & to satisfy their soul.

Tags :
Morning, walk
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