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By: eager2xpress | Posted: Oct 09, 2010 | General | 1008 Views (Updated Oct 09, 2010)

Welcome to parda faash talk show ! I am Golmal Lal and today we have with us Mr. H from NZ who recently was in the news for passing racial remarks against the respectable and honorable CM of Delhi.

Mr. H, thank you for being on an INDIAN show!

Mr. H: Oh I am not delighted to be here because I am a busy man and I have more

important things to do! haha hahaha hahaha haha...

But Mr. H, After the racist remarks you have been suspended from the job so what is

it that keeps you busy now?

Mr. H: Well, I am busy compiling a list of names of prominent and successful Indian people that I can make fun of. Hahaha hahah ahaha..

Ohhh ok! but why is that so interesting? How did the idea of making fun of a respectable lady's name sprout in your brain?

Mr. H: see, I have always been jealous of Indian people. Moreover, I wanted to entertain the people in the studio that day because we were out of coffee and they were all getting woozy. The funny thing is that no one found the joke entertaining other than myself. Isnt it strange? hahahaha hahah hahaha

Ahem....Well Mr. H, I am sure there are better and civilized approaches and ideas available to entertain people! Anyways, you just said that you are jealous of Indian people. Why is that?

Mr. H: I am jealous of Indian people because they are hard working, dedicated, successful, honest, kind hearted, generous, efficient, energetic, faithful, friendly, responsible, talented, trustworthy, skillful, intelligent, peaceful, caring, magnanimous....THUD!!!...CRASH!

Oh my god, Mr. H just fainted. Chalu mal, get some water quickly and sprinkle some on his face!

Mr. H, Mr.H...can you hear us? Wake up...

Mr. H: Hhahaha ahahahah hahaha hahah ahaha......haha..hahaha..ahahahahahaha

Err...folks it seems Mr. H has lost his mind. Lets hope sanity is restored to him soon .Thanks for watching the show. We will be back next time with more gossip and masala.

This post is intended for fun only. Its a satire on the recent racial remark made my a prominent NZ TV anchor against the CM of Delhi. Please do share your views and comments.

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