I did the mistake of buying the snapdeal voucher & sharing with you all my experience. First of all when I called them at 10 am from my workplace (That’s their store opening time) in the morning for an appointment, nobody picked up. After calling repeatedly somebody picked up at 10:30 am & they said everything is full, no appointments for the next 1 week. Then,I went to their parlour after work specifically to get the real picture. Eventually I managed to get an appointment after 5 days.On the D’Day,I reached 5 min before to avoid any unnecessary callousness. The store manager was not there. I handed my cell phone with snapdeal sms so that they can enter the number to a male employee working there and the snapdeal coupon to a female employee. The female beautician, after dialing numerous times the snapdeal helpline number where they are supposed to enter the snapdeal number, told me that the voucher has already been used. They were entering the customer id rather than the snapdeal number. When I corrected her,she got angry..After a brief verbal joust, the manager joined us & eventually the correct number was entered & my day was saved.
Next comes the service. The manager threw the menu card angrily on the table when I asked her that how can she charge 700 for a hair-trim when in the menu its written that 350 for a trim & 700 for a cut. She said when it comes to snapdeal, they are not going with the menu-card. Hence,rules are different. Then she said that I should go for hair-cut first & later facial as the facial room was full. Truth is the whole parlour was empty with no customers except me. I protested & said after facial my hair will get oily again ,hence there is no point in washing my hair first for the cut. Again,after a brief struggle they agreed.
The service was 3rd class. They didn’t even offer me facial apron.While head-massage & haircut they almost plucked all my hair.
When it came to eye-brow plucking , they said my eye-brows are just fine .So they didn’t even pluck. By that time, I was not in a mood for another verbal fight.So I didn’t say a word.
Word of Caution- Just because they are offering services at lower price doesn’t mean that they’ll misbehave with customers. Very highly condemnable. Please see to it that such incidents don’t happen again and ban places like ‘Trespass’ from entering the ‘Snapdeal’. They will spoil your image.
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Bangalore, tresspass, garuda