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By: nikhil715 | Posted: May 10, 2010 | General | 495 Views

"What ever you do, at the end you are going to die alone” George Clooney to Anna Kendrick in “Up in the air”. When I heard this dialogue I remembered the day when I was watching Forrest gump and few people dashed into ourliving room along with my father who was looking pale and tired. They made him sit and asked me to get some water. When I was getting water I overheard them saying that my father had fainted on his way back home. I was not able to figure out what’s going around. My father was restless; I rushed to my neighbor’s house to call up the doctor. Mom was consoling my father nothing is wrong with him he will be fine in few mins. Doctor checked his pulse and told us to take him to a heart specialist as soon as possible. I don’t even remember whether somebody else had brought or I had brought the rickshaw. I was about to get into the rickshaw when my father told me “Why are you coming, you go and get the scooter which is parked at the road side, I got to go back to the shop in the afternoon “so my mom and a family friend and dad got in the rick and went away.

I came back and sat next to the phone waiting for some body’s call, I don’t know who was going to call me but I felt somebody will call me. After a hour or so which had just passed as few seconds my uncle turned up and told me and grandma “we got to go to the hospital” I asked him what happened , he said “we are summoned to the hospital “. I still remember on the way to the hospital when I was looking at the passing traffic, he told me don’t worry everything will be fine nothing is going to go wrong.

As soon as the car stopped at the hospital I started running towards the reception and asked if any one was admitted some time ago and where is he, she gave me directions and told me to go the 1st floor. I was running like a mad man in the corridor, climbed up and saw my mom fighting with the nurse over there. She saw me and came running to me saying “Nikhil they are not admitting your father in the hospital “ I asked her is dad ok, she said he is fine and is sleeping but the hospital authorities are not ready to admit him in the hospital. I was relaxed that at least dad is fine. I went up to the nurse and asked her is there any problem she just said we can’t admit him. Then suddenly heard my mom burst out in tears saying “Nothing has happened to him , he just sleeping , once he has his food he will be fine” I came out and saw my dad lying on the stretcher and felt some body holding me by my arms ,and I heard a whisper your father is no more . I saw him and said it’s your food time you can’t skip your lunch you need to take tablets and there was no reply from him. Afterwards the world I could see was through the water droplets .

That was the day when I came to know it will take few seconds for a person to vanish from your life, whatever you do you cannot take a person and die and can’t stop him from dying. I still do feel I should have gone with him in the rickshaw, I still do feel he would have stayed back in the house that day , I still do feel that he would have stayed for another day , I still do feel we could somehow come to know something is going to go wrong . I still do feel that my mom is waiting for him to come home, I still do feel……..

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