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By: vrodrigues | Posted: Feb 07, 2012 | General | 971 Views (Updated Feb 08, 2012)

It was a Early Morning of 23rd September 1987 when I was born to my parents. and I had take my First Breath in this world... not knowing what would be my future... I was born to a middle class family of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rodrigues.

Being the only Girl child in the whole Family not only my Parents, but also my uncles, aunts, cousins loved me and slowly I became a pet girl of my Family.

Now it is 24 yrs since I was born and my mother still remembers the party my Dad threw When I was born the whole locality rejoiced at my birth... and after 40 Days from the day I was born... I was baptized with the Name VENESSA.. Venessa is a Greek name meaning Butterfly.

Slowly I grew up and by June 1990 I was admitted in Kinder Garden, there I attracted my teachers towards me. Though I was Fast at Rhyming Poetries and Learning what was thought but I still was an Introvert Child who did not liked to make friends, and enjoyed Snatching my Friends Doll and irritating them. Well that was all about my Kinder Garden Life...

Soon on 29th of July 1990 God Gifted me with a little Brother, whom we baptized as Silvester, Silvester means a Dense Forest and now I dint had to look for some friends or no toys too coz I had my Love to play with..

In June 1991 I was admitted in Convent Girl's High School, Prabhadevi, where I completed my Schooling in the year 2004... I had a huge Change in me till then.. When I joined School I was a Introvert girl but when I was out of it I was an Extrovert and many more changes in me...

Then in 2004 when I completed my schooling Choosing a stream was the biggest challenge for me coz I dint knew what is what where is my career gonna land... I just knew I need to Fufill my dad's dream which he had for me when he breath last on 27th of October 2003. Then I just thought of Filling up some forms and when I had gone to Sophia college to fill up the admission form the Vice Principal Sister Celia guided me towards the Vocational courses they offered and I got my Self admitted in Sophia College at Peddar Road, Mumbai where I had Joined the Vocational Management Course... Here I Improved my Confidence, Stage Fear, and the major part of my life My English communication had got a typical accent. In the Year 2006 I completed my Boards Finally...

Then was the turn to get my graduation completed.... What next was very clear to me but which college was not, finally got my self admitted to Chetana's Hazarimal Somani College of Commerce and Economics for th Bachelors of Management Studies Division.. whis is also known as CBMS

Initially when I joined CBMS I had the impression that this gonna be something cheap place where w can do what we want, but this is absolutely not the fact people... This was the place where I got a first chance to be a Leader In my FYBMS and SYBMS I was appointed as a class leader.. This was the place where I got to give many Presentations Like at least 4 Presentations in a week.. This was the Place where I started Hosting Shows. This was the Place where From a crowd of 60 initially I faced a crowd of 300 and then later a crowd of 5000. Where my hosted shows, presentations, and Leadership skills were appreciated not only by my friends or my class or my professors but after the Show I had people from the congregation coming up and saying Good Job Venessa, Including my Seniors and Juniors in college.

Friends, CBMS was the Place where I met my Love, who is my Fiancé today. He has been my big time Support from the Last 5 years. Then late in 2009 I was offered by TCS which I left in 6 months and today my career is taking seeing big Heights in the Human Resources Stream.

I need to climb more Steps this is just not what I want, coz this is not my dad's dream. My Dad wanted to see me as a Famous Personality and that is where I am Struggling to be...

Thats all about my Life last 24 years.. :)

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