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By: mainmonalisahoonna | Posted: Mar 25, 2008 | General | 43536 Views

Do you know that Sanjay Dutt is related to the Nehru-Gandhi family? Yes, biologically.

Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru's father Pt. Motilal Nehru had an affair with  Daleep Jaan, a courtesean from Allahabad. Their liaison was a child who became famous as Jaddan Bai. Motilal Nehru took care of Daleep Jaan, her husband and her two children.

Jaddan Bai acquired fame as a bigger courtesean than her mother. Jaddan Bai married thrice.

Her eldest child, Akhtar Husain, was a son from her marriage with Bachhi babu (Narottamdas Khatri). Her second marriage with harmonium master Ustaad Irshad Meer Khan too resulted in a divorce after he sired Anwar Husain. Uttamchand Mohan, from a well off family in Rawalpindi was the third (and perhaps the last) man in her life. He fell in love with Jaddanbai, proposed marriage.

Jaddan Bai was ready but only if he embraced Islam. Converted by Maulana Abulkalam Aaazad, Mohan became Abdul Rashid and the marriage took place.

Nargis was born of this liaison.

Yes, Nargis, the famous filmstar of the 1950s and 60s, wife of Sunil Dutt and mother of Sanjay Dutt.

Tags :
Nehru, Gandhi, Dutt
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