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By: nikhil715 | Posted: Oct 29, 2009 | General | 484 Views

After a long long and really long wait I have decided to discuss about this topic which is one of the topics which revolves in my head , why ,why ,why for heaven sake why do people wear sunglasses when there is no sun or they are in a place where u don’t need to wear them , and when I say people it means both the genders.

Its been some time now, that I began pursuing this hobby, wherein I observe or more appropriately stare at people who wear sunglasses in hotels, cars , malls, and the list goes on and on and on……..

I took up this hobby during my college days as it so happened that my friends and myself had been out to collect some photos from a studio. As usual my friends and myself indulging in some "Chakshoo Shanti". And there was this cool looking dude (I am 100% sure any girl would ogle at) sitting in the lobby also busy in "Chakshoo Shanti". Just then a group of girls entered the studio. All of us were watching that guy to just check out what might be his expression or what he might do to impress those girls and here goes our cool looking dude (renamed pandu after the incident) pulls out his shades and puts them on!!!

OOhhh man!!! 8 o’clock in the night and in a studio and this pandu wears his shades . I could not control myself and bursted laughing in front of him. I don’t know which is this new formula to impress girls but got to meet that guy once in my life and ask him what was he up to?

People have totally changed the meaning of wearing shades.

Now the gals - I saw this one girl passing by near my office and entering a restaurant and I had been observing her from a distance, she had her shades, nicely perched on her head and she walked the entire length of the road without wearing them but just before entering the restaurant she puts the glasses on and enters. Hellllooo sweet heart (alias saku bai) when it was needed you were not wearing them and when you actually had to pull them off you are wearing them!!!

I have even seen guys and girls wearing sunglasses during the night time and walking on the streets. My roomie is one of these chosen ones (I am sorry "roomie" but can’t help it).He bought these new shades and wasn’t getting a chance to wear them so he came up with a wonderful idea ! He usually travels on the bike and his helmet has a black screen, just to show others that he has bought a new pair of shades he has removed his screen and he wears the shades in the helmet !.So whether it is day or night our pal wears his shades when we are going out.

There are many such incidents which I would like to illustrate but this is more than enough for you guys to know the one (out of so many others) question which is draining my energy - Why ,why , but why (pandu and saku) have to wear shades where it is not required…………………

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