A nine-year-old Scottish girl, Martha Payne, got some help from her dad to set up her blog "Never Seconds," in which she displayed her school's lunches and created her own content about them.
Although the photos of those meals were not flattering, Martha was not decrying her school's food. Instead, her ratings were rather generous.
Martha's dad was amazed at the large international following of her blog. It had accrued 2 million hits and she was raised over $3,100 U.S. for a charity called Mary's Meals.
Martha had found out about Mary's Meals from her grandfather, who told her it was started locally and spread internationally as a charity to feed needy school children in impoverished areas.
Grandpa assured Martha that the charity was efficient and genuine. They used almost all of the funds to feed needy school children.
But one day, Martha was called into the school office and told she could no longer photograph and display school lunches in her blog. She was also warned about her comments on school lunch staffers and inspectors from the Argyll and Bute Council.
The Argyll and Bute Council is the governing body of Argyll and Bute in Western Scotland, comparable to a USA county containing several communities. Martha's dad informed The Telegraph that the school had been supportive, but the council decided to step in and say no to Martha