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By: Aarambhh | Posted: Jun 05, 2011 | General | 1295 Views

‘Every coin has two sides’. Most of us have used the phrase consciously or subconsciously at various juncture of our life. But how well we understood it is what I doubt. Cause if we actually did, then we would have been a happier person in most of our days. This phrase guides us to be Non-Judgmental and non-opinionated. Remember the lines from the classic movie “Anand” – Hum sab to rang-manch ki kathputhliya hai jahan panah jinki dor upar wale ke hathon mein bandhi hai”. What it actually meant was that a Human is an outcome of a situation (here ‘situation’ personify ‘GOD’) so you can’t really judge people by one situation.Now recollect the last person who has cause any kind of damage to you and try to recollect the situation or event leading them to that very moment. You will be surprised to find the answer.

I have practiced being non-judgmental and a lateral thinker most of my life to avoid moral policing. At times I have wondered, “What is so right about right or so wrong about wrong”. But never received any convincing answer. Everyone start their statement with ‘as per the society..” But societal laws are more or less like “Principles of Management”, which are flexible and changes on people whims and fancy. So, why should I go by the norm, which is not full proof? Anyways! Discussion on society is a never-ending trail. Crux of the argument is that I don’t feel the need to waste my time on choosing between Right or Wrong.

Forgiveness is something I have tried practicing over a period of time. I have learnt it the hard way but still sometimes I feel the urge to “kill someone” without a second thought. Then the very next moment I feel the need to forgive my self for making numerous mistakes. I have experienced, learnt and tried to memorize the lesson with each mistake to avoid mistakes next time around.Alas I can only remember the lesson after I repeat the same mistake again. So I chose to memorize the lessons by-heart and I never made those mistakes again. Simply Cause I kept giving away the similar chances life offered me.

Then I recollect being called looser, coward for not taking any chance. And when I do and fall on my face, I am asked why do I even take up things when I am not sure of handling them.Everyone who has been in a similar situation, complained that people never had time for them. But people did turn up for me. They gathered around, sat and warmly blamed me that ‘I am responsible for my own miseries’. And while leaving they recommended me to get my issues (Issues?) solved through Deepak Chopra, Robin Sharma, Shiv Khera of the world.

But amidst all these trials and error; though I wasn’t really sure where my life was heading, I surely knew where I don’t want to go (read grow). And that I believe is the most important answer that we all should have. Apart from that there is no set rule to “live a successful life” . It’s all about making choices and attempts as you move forward in life. And most importantly to take call on whatever is bothering you, sooner than someone else points that out to you. After all its your life don’t be an audience to it. So solve your problem on your own without wasting time and take up the next ‘project’ which life offers and give your best.Sitting back and sulking never helped anyone (read me).

Coming back to what I said above “every coin has two sides”.. You can only take care of one at a time. When you are right in your own eyes at the same moment for someone you might be completely wrong. Like my Mom always told me that when one half of the earth is lit-up with sun at the same time the other half is completely dark. So no matter how hard you try you cannot keep everyone happy with your own decisions. So in that case how do you take a call? Of course by what seems right to you that very moment. {What kind of question Mr. writer is this? You surely can’t choose what seems wrong thinking that for others it will be right}

So I repeat, there is no set rule of living a successful and happy life. It’s all about taking chances and making attempts. And to accept a simple fact that we are purely ‘Humans’ there are certain things that are beyond our control.

Another important fact is that celebrating birthdays is fun. Cause you celebrate growing up, learning, experiencing and a changing. With every experience we grow a little, change a little, and our innocence is lost a little. While we celebrate growing up we mourn the dead of innocence within us. But that’s Life! The sooner we realize this fact; better we can live the rest of life. Now go ahead fly away !!

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