Yesterday was one of those days - days when things you never
imagined happen. Sunny and mildly humid, typically Mumbai day. Began quite
normally and by noon I was at the airport seeing off my hubby.
We were right at the departure gate when we noticed that
ticket window. On an impulse I said, ‘It would be fun if we could go with you.’
In the next few minutes my daughter and I had our tickets in
our hands! Even while boarding the flight I was like, ‘I can’t believe we are
going with you!’
This was one of the most impulsive things we hve done. I was
completely unprepared to travel - jeans, sneakers, hardly any cash, no phone
charger etc etc
‘Traveling light’ is something that does not come very easily
to me but after yesterdays flight, I have conquered that.
Feels super. Exhilarating.
Have you guys ever done something spontaneously / completely
unplanned? How has it made you feel? Did u feel like you defeated life ke plans