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By: khanimtiaz | Posted: Aug 14, 2013 | General | 429 Views

I have a two year annual maintenance contract (AMC) for my Aquaguard water purifier at home with Eurosmiles (the services wing of Eureka Forbes). At the time of renewal the representatives promised the best of care for the appliance, however an year down the line when a PCB went bad the best they can tell me is "Sir this is the number for the guy who provides us parts please speak to him". This after I have been trying to get the issue resolved past 3 weeks. In the interim I am having to buy packaged water. First off when I lodged a complaint with the IVR a technician visited almost immediately and diagnosed the problem as a PCB gone bad and that he would bring the PCB and replace next day. The PCB was apparently covered under the AMC. So next day came and went, three more days passed by and finally I called him up again. He apologized for not having turned up and promised to come over with the PCB "tomorrow". Thankfully he arrived as promised, replaced the PCB and switched on the machine, boom again the PCB konked off. He was quite unperturbed by this. In fact I asked him "is it an issue with the earthing, wiring or something at my house?" but he replied in the negative stating "no no these are refurbished PCBs that we get for replacing and they do go bad like this it happens all the time, I'll get another replacement and come back tomorrow". That was two weeks back. I called up the technician and asked him what was the progress to part procurement to which he says "sir they are not giving me the part from office, please speak to them" and gave me the number to Eureka Forbes' call center. At the call center without taking down my contract number or any other details the representative says "sir we will ensure the technician comes over tomorrow". Tomorrow never happens at ureka Forbes, been three days so I callen them up today and I am told "sir very sorry but the person who provides us the parts is not giving only. You can speak to him directly at ". Of course this "scrap dealer who provides refurbished/scavenged" parts to Eureka Forbes has a broken phone which he does not answer either...... So long and short of the story I'm going to have to wait a little longer to get the part, if it ever does get supplied by the scrap dealer, and in the interim subsist on packaged water or hit up my neighbours for clean water. I have always known that in our country it is very rare for a paid up front service to be any good.... they take your money and they run away with it only giving excuses. However Eureka forbes and specifically Aquaguard were to me dependable brands.... so far. Apparently they too have given in to market forces and switching to hoodwinking to make more profits. Suggest people should be careful and never go for more than a 1 year contract for their Aquaguards. At least that way you have the sales people running after you trying to get you to renew the AMC every 11 months.....

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