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By: desigal | Posted: Mar 15, 2013 | General | 964 Views (Updated Mar 15, 2013)

I grew up to the reality TV revolution in India. I saw Indian idols, pop stars, dancing stars, comedians, bikers, lovers, and losers getting their 15 minutes of fame. I couldn’t even think of participating in any of these contests because I didn’t know how to sing, dance or anything those contestants did.

When I heard people saying, “Music/dance is my life” I thought that they were lying. Life is too short to be dedicated to one thing. Also, I never understood how they perfected a dance/song routine in such less time.

With time, I somehow feel that those people really might not be lying. Now, I understand what those contestants really meant when they said that they can’t imagine their lives without singing or dancing. May be that’s what passion is.

Passion, interest, love – whatever name you give it. It’s the basis for all creation. I am elated that I have found the thing that I am truly passionate about – writing.

When an idea is there for enough time in my head, I can’t wait to put it to words. It doesn’t matter if I have high fever or it is 3.00 AM. I just have to write. Most of the time, I would have the starting few sentences and the last line in my mind.

When I start typing those first few sentences, my hands automatically move and words just come out of nowhere. Something amazing happens every time I write. It’s almost like I don’t have any control over it. My brain and hand are in perfect co ordination. I have never been able to figure out how it happens.

I truly feel blessed that, through writing I can experience that wonderful feeling of seeing my ideas take shape. I can live with the characters I create. They grow with me. They talk to me. I even get worried about them. By the end of writing a story, I am almost convinced that they exist somewhere.

Having said all this, I believe that it takes more than passion to keep up. I need to have the hunger to get better every day. To learn what is required to help me get better. I need to constantly look for inspiration.

I have come to terms with the fact that every time I write it can’t be spectacular. There are a lot of unedited pieces lying in my hard disk, mediocre work in the past staring me, and ideas that keep popping into my head every now and then. Don’t know where all this will take me. All I know is that writing makes me happy! And that’s all that matters. For now at least.

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