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By: Messiah | Posted: Sep 02, 2009 | Personal musings | 471 Views (Updated Sep 02, 2009)

A Prayer

Lord, grant me insights to know how my words will be received by the reader / listener ..

I know I mean no ill and do not ever try to slight another consciously

But still, there are times, when my words are taken as spoken with arrogance ,

or when another finds an imaginary slight .... gets upset or hurt with me...

God, grant me the generosity of spirit to accept those situations as lessons for me..

To have the grace to apologise, however unintentional I may have been

Not to judge the other as rude or insensitive or any thing else

Other than as someone sent to show me the path that I need to traverse

To get closer to you, to realise that there is no difference between the other and me

And that we are all a part of the Divine Matrix and that each is a twin soul ...

And by honouring the other, I am honouring You and Me and US ...

Dear friends, - Life has been a huge learning for me as it must be for all of us.. I found that in the last few months, I was getting accused by varied people, ( yes, in MS too) of being rude / arrogant etc.. when all I was speaking / writing was my truth .. This hurt initially as I have been specially trying to be non judgemental, in my dealings with people ..

This set me thinking and the only thing I can conclude is that these experiences must be being sent my way to see how much I can stay on course and be non judgemental... That is the basis of this sharing :))

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self's, writings
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